7 Benefits of RPA in Healthcare

As healthcare businesses are expanding, handling more clients, and dealing with stringent regulatory requirements, they require their resource utilization to be optimal and focus on innovation and growth.

Enabling them in this is Robotic Process Automation, which can help to automate repetitive back-end processes and workflows, both fundamental and complex, such as claims and process management. As a result, RPA in healthcare alone is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6%, from USD 1.13 billion in 2020 to USD 1.83 billion by 2028. Though it is still in its nascent stages, businesses across the spectrum are already experiencing the benefits. According to a CAQH research report, automation helped the healthcare industry to lower its administrative costs by $122 billion and an additional $16 billion by fully automating some common tasks.

Robotic Process Automation – The Need

The healthcare industry is one of the most regulated industries due to its impact on human health and life. But these regulations and standards not only govern the delivery of therapies but also associated business processes and data management. Especially with data security and privacy becoming very important, healthcare providers need to ensure that patient data is digitized for ease of administration and security to prevent any breaches.

Digitizing patient data can be a dumbing act due to its repetitive and mechanical nature, leading to errors from burnout and boredom.

Software robots and bots fall under the robotic process automation category and enable automating the execution of high-volume repetitive tasks in a digital environment. Algorithms and machine learning can be leveraged to utilize robots to perform monotonous, scenario-based tasks and free up human resources for greater efficiency and accuracy.

7 Benefits of RPA in Healthcare

Healthcare organizations can reap the following benefits by deploying RPA:

  1. Improve Productivity: Often human resources are assigned to perform monotonous activities that can lead to fatigue and boredom. As a result, the employees are not only underutilized but are also inefficient and their productivity can drop. While this affects the business directly, it also has an impact on the productivity of the employees. RPA can mimic these tasks, which include gathering and inputting patient data, billing information, and so on. Human resources can be better utilized for improving patient care.
  2. Improve Compliance: Adherence to standard operating procedures and other guidelines forms an edifice that ensures that employees are aligned with business goals as well as regulatory requirements. Using robots can be advantageous as they can be programmed to strictly adhere to predefined rules and not feel bored.
  3. Improve Customer Service: Robots do not need rest and can work 24×7. This ensures that your organization is available to your customers anytime during the day, accelerating processing and response times and improving customer satisfaction.
  4. Improve Data Security: Data security and privacy are becoming critical today and storage and access need to be governed by the organization’s access protocols. RPA ensures date security for sensitive data as the health records can be processed without employee intervention or access.
  5. Improve Scheduling: The use of RPA technology can help patients schedule their appointments faster, without involving hospital employees. This frees them up to do other core tasks and improves response times to minimize delays and confusion.
  6. Improve Post-Care Service: For some patients, care even after being discharged is important. But patients often forget and handwritten prescriptions can make it more challenging. RPA can be used to: a) Send emails to the patients with discharge summaries and guidelines; b) Send timely alerts to patients regarding their schedule, appointments, and any tests to be done 
  7. Improved Audit Management: Healthcare organizations require periodic audits to prevent incidents, identify potential issues, and improve overall service efficiency and patient safety. RPA can be used for recording data and generating reports.

Ensuring Effective RPA in Healthcare with Digitech Labs

While there is no doubt about the benefits of RPA in healthcare for improving efficiency and lowering costs, it is important to build it right and align it with the business goals.

Digitech Labs helps healthcare organizations with patient engagement and relationship management by building strengths in the back end and improving the patient onboarding experience with BOT-driven RPA solutions. To improve care delivery, Digitech leverages:

  • Virtual or remote patient engagement
  • Real-time healthcare trackers
  • Wearable sensors for extending patient care beyond the provider’s facilities

Our team of RPA specialists works with domain experts to understand the unique challenges and needs of the healthcare organization and design, build, manage, and run your digital robots. A single hub will help manage all your automation requirements with greater visibility and tracking.

Our approach to building your customer and objective-driven RPA solution includes identifying the right processes to automate across the company and by the department. This helps with:

  • Automating repetitive tasks
  • Driving efficiency into operational processes
  • Speeding up innovation efforts
  • Saving time and costs

By integrating Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, we empower your digital workforce to become more efficient, thereby accelerating revenue growth and continuous improvement through innovation and improved service delivery. The data generated through RPA on every process being executed provides businesses with greater insights for informed decision-making and identifying areas of improvement.

Digitech uses agile methodologies to roll out bespoke automation solutions quickly, creating, developing, and testing solutions in parallel.

To know more about how Digitech Labs can help you improve your organization’s efficiency and improve healthcare delivery, contact us now: https://digitechlabs.com/contact-1

For more information on our RPA capabilities: https://digitechlabs.com/landing/automation-rpa-solutions-from-digitech-labs

For healthcare solutions: https://digitechlabs.com/landing/industries-healthcare