Business Intelligence & Advanced Analytics

Build Customer-Centric Business Intelligence & Advanced Analytics Models with Digitech Labs

Digitech is an ideal partner to help your organization design next-generation Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Solutions. 

We adopt a consulting-led approach that’ll help take full advantage of your operational, sales, marketing, supply chain, and financial data.

It’s not about the volume of data. Our focus is to help you garner actionable insights.

Fastest path from data to insights

Data from multiple sources - both cloud and on-premise

Keep your data highly secure

Optimize cloud costs while building data analytics models

Focusing on Actionable Insights

Most modern organizations today have access to high volumes of data – both structured and unstructured. 

Spotting which data is important to process is crucial to save both computing power and the time spent by your people. 

Digitech brings to the fore domain experts who design BI solutions that help you utilize the right data sources needed to capture insights that matter.

Data Engineering & Data Management

Digitech’s data engineering team will work closely with your CIO and CTO to meet your data engineering and data management requirements. 

Data quality validation, data integrity and data accessibility are paramount. Your BI solution must seamlessly connect with data stored in multiple sources. 

Data transformation is a critical part of the process as well. 
Modern BI solutions are also built and managed on the cloud. With Digitech, we’ll help you build a future-proof BI solution that takes advantage of the latest data engineering technologies.  

Augmented Analytics & Dynamic Data Stories

Digitech will help decision-makers at your organization build intuitive dashboards to streamline the process of spotting trends from data. 
Additionally, we’ll also help you build a ‘dynamic data story’ that is essentially a collection of data charts stitched together. 

These data stories will be designed keeping in mind three aspects – use, context, and audience. We’ll also help you build augmented analytics capabilities – to use AI and ML-based tools for insight explanation.

Enterprise-wide Data Visibility

Business leaders are increasingly looking for solutions that provide enterprise-wide visibility of key metrics from across departments and functions. 

It is critical that your organization does not operate in silos. Building a BI solution that seamlessly connects with multiple data sources (both cloud and on-premise) is crucial — especially for operational analytics. 

Digitech Labs can help your design a BI and analytics solution to have enterprise-wide visibility of data.

Ensuring Success of Your Data Analytics Project

Often BI and data analytics projects fail due to a lack of scalability and alignment with a clear objective. 

Digitech designs strategies based on the organization’s goals and priorities.

In short, our BI and analytics solutions are deeply aligned to the needs of your organization and that of your customers.

With Digitech Labs, we were able to build a Modern, BI platform on the cloud. They brought to the fore their deep expertise in both data analytics and cloud migration.

Head of Data Transformation at one of India's largest Retail Companies

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